I have been busy.
So insanely, crazily busy that I have neglected one of my most favorite past times. I have forgotten to write. This can mean only one thing... that the busyness must be extremely happy busyness. Kind of like too much tinsel on a Christmas tree.
And completely crazy.
Allow me to recap... I met and married my wonderful husband in under 6 months. During these six months I met Scott's family, had Christmas/Thanksgiving/New Years, led accountability groups at 6 a.m. two days a week, I was hospitalized for ulcerative colitis, and I planned a wedding.
Following this whirlwind, my husband dove back into summer seminary classes, I work 50 hours a week, and I had absolutely no clue how to manage a household with two people.
I learned two things about men this summer. They make lots of laundry.
And they like to eat.
They do both of these in prolific abundance... But I also married one who is exceptionally good at problem solving, who shows me affection through flowers and date nights, who allows me to break down into tears, yet who still teaches me truth.
Yes, I am a blessed woman.
That being said, the name of this blog still holds. Despite whatever may come in my life, I want to continue to write. I want to be "still writing" when I'm called into eternity.
My reasoning is simple. Every person has been blessed with character qualities, attributes, and gifts which are unique to them as individuals. The purpose of these gifts is not to bring praise and glory to themselves, but rather to proclaim the greatness of God to the world.
So. I must be Courtney, still writing, until I'm called to give an account.