
My name is Courtney Allison.

I'm just another wife.

I'm a mama of two wee babies, and there's nothing special about my mothering.

I'm just another Indiana native.

I'm just another middle-class American.

Some days, the shear normalcy of my existence almost knocks me off my feet.

But I am washed in crystal-clear grace. I have been adopted into the largest, most loving, world-wide family. I stand, perfect, before the King of the universe. And that is not normal at all.

In the daily broil of normalcy, it is often easy to forget the priceless blessings I've been given. It's so very easy to lapse into, "Well, I'm just a...." with little to no regard of who I am called to serve. But that's why I write. I write because there is a wealth of truth, just beyond our finger tips, every day. I write because there is a God who deserves the credit and the glory. I write because my goal, in this quickly fleeting life is to squeeze glory for God out of every moment of every day. And it's not a hard task. My daily life fairly explodes with the glory of God.

So here I am.

Under "Walking Theology" you'll find my rubber-meets-road of who our God is and what He is teaching me. I love that there is not a second of any day that isn't crammed with who God is. "Happy Wife" and "Mommy Time" encompass my two favorite hats, hopefully my stumbling through these roles gives help and hope to others walking beside me. "Our Stories" are just that. The Allison family is a happy, crazy, messy bunch. Welcome to our world!

Just another wife and mother. I hate putting away laundry laundry and washing sticky pots. I'd live in yoga pants if I could. I'm in desperate, daily need of my Savior. So here I am: constantly fighting for passion to span my normalcy in order to bring glory to the God who designed me. This is my adventure in normalcy.

Won't you join me?

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