Totally and completely disgusted.
My generation of young evangelicals sometimes make me want to bash their heads together and stamp my foot in childlike anger.
A complete lack of involvement in, or attention to politics is a mindset embraced by many young evangelicals. Instead of rolling up their sleeves, registering to vote, and holding a sign at a rally, they shrug their holy shoulders and sigh...
"You know, this world is not our home. God will advance His Kingdom. I'm choosing to focus on more eternal things at this time..."
That. Is. Complete. CRAP.
(No, really, Courtney, tell us how you really feel.)
I understand the gospel is of paramount importance. I understand His will "will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I don't think I would argue with anyone who, at the end of the day, says, "God is sovereign. Won't heaven be nice?"
But that's not the point. The point is that we have been given the gift of marvelous freedom. Freedom in which we can share that gospel, preach that gospel, live that gospel. When that freedom is gone, what will you do? Of course, you can argue that you'll still share, still preach, and still live, but let me ask you: will the same number of people still be able to hear it?
Freedom is a conduit to the gospel. It is not the gospel, but it enables the free spreading of this gospel.
Attacks on freedom begin to attack the laws and commands of God: abortion, homosexuality, evangelizing, child-rearing.

When my country begins to make my obedience to God difficult, then I have lost a precious gift.
So, no, I don't sit around watching the news every day. I don't bemoan eco-friendly bills or liberal pundits getting into office. What I do decry is a lack of willingness to address our culture, to be engaged, to protect liberty--not for liberty's sake, not as something that I'm owed--but rather because protecting this liberty will enable the free spread of the gospel for both me and my children.
So stop sounding so holy.
Call your senator.
Stay informed.
Some things you might want to know:
Obama issued yet another executive order. Titled “Assignment of
National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions,”
it would appear that the implementation of emergency communications by
Obama, using all forms of wired and wireless communication systems, is
redirected through the executive branch and could expand such takeover
abilities beyond the limits of an actual act of war.
have you ever talked to mrs adamson about day care conferences? apparently the government wants to be everyones parents...