Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm learning the power of prayer... not in changing my circumstances, but rather, in changing my attitude in the midst of these same circumstances.

We're in a holding pattern with our adoption, with our plans for next year, with work, and I had begun to feel like my very growth and development was in the same, ever-circling, never progressing pattern.

Waiting will give you that sensation.

But then God reminded me of prayer... An avenue to my great God. A place where I can bare my soul, cry for help, rejoice with laughter, and sit quietly with no words.


I began to pray. For real. In earnest. Every day. Hour after hour. Consistently.

I hope I never stop.

Nothing on the outside has changed, but God has given amazing growth. God has shown His character in astonishing ways.

God has become my friend.

"The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him." (Ps. 25)

1 comment:

  1. Waiting is so hard. I'm also learning to faithfully pray as I wait. I'm driven to it because I get so quickly tempted to worry in the midst of waiting. I feel like I'm waiting faithfully & then something happens to remind me of what I'm waiting for and its a struggle again to wait patiently & expectantly and not lose heart. (just blogged about it: )

    Praying for you and your future baby just about every day
