Sunday, November 25, 2012

'Tis The Season... for imagination, truth, and a Savior

This Christmas, as we usher in yet another year of glitz, glam, and gingerbread, I was searching for a task which would direct my heart towards Christ.

Although this holiday was not originally a Christian holiday, it has since become associated with the birth of Christ, and serves as an excellent opportunity to marvel at the all-powerful God becoming a "wee-small baby."

Amidst all the glitter and wrapping paper, I often find my mind too distracted, too wrapped up in happiness and tradition, to meditate on the beginning of the Gospel message. So, this year, as we journey through the chaos of December, I am going to try something new.

Over the next few weeks, you'll find several posts (hopefully), with a tag "Imagining Christmas." These posts are based on the scripture found in the beginning chapters of Matthew and Luke. But they will be expanded (i.e. fictionalized) from the original texts. I want to feel the sand in the wisemen's tunics as they crossed the desert. I want to hear the angels' chorus with goosebumps of awe along with the shepherds. I want to tremble in fear at the unknowns before the Savior's young virgin mother.

And my hope is, this Christmas, that the terror, awe, dirt, praise, peace, darkness, pain, and glory of God becoming incarnate will be a startling reality. For the Gospel entered the world in a startlingly simple way, and love began to work in a very humble crowd.

My prayer is that we would be gripped anew with this truth.

Merry Christmas.

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