Well, our house is now "empty."
After five wonderful weeks of Grandma, Grandpa, Oma, Opa, aunties and uncles... we are all alone. Just the four of us.
The past month has been a blur of learning and sleeplessness. It's been much easier than when we did the same thing with the Grantopatomus. I want to believe that the "easiness" has come as a result of increased spiritual maturity on my part. That's what I
want to believe. I did walk into this period of sleeplessness better prepared--I had verses to meditate on, a Bible reading plan, and a commitment to mental and spiritual discipline.
But in the end, it was the grace of God, not all my striving... He knew I needed spiritual rest. And He graciously provided it when I sought it.
The Lord is my provider.
That's what I've learned this month.
I can do everything "right." And it doesn't matter. God calls the shots. He provides and withholds as He sees fit.
I learned this in His willingness to provide spiritual rest. And I learned this in His allowing physical difficulties for my little baby girl. Wee Bets is still not at her birth weight. I did everything "right." And God, who is the ultimate provider, decided that my baby would stay small, that breastfeeding would be a massive challenge, and that feedings every hour (even through the night!) wouldn't be enough to boost her weight.
Now, armed with internal peace and a small syringe/medical tubing to feed my baby, I think we're finally on the upward trajectory. We'll find out on Thursday at our doctor's appointment!
(One of these days, I
will have a fat infant... But so far, my children seem determined to test my sanctification by being incredibly small and difficult to feed.)
Because stringing words together is still a challenge, I've decided to finish off a summary of this past month with pictures. I've countless other thoughts tumbling around in my head, but I'll wait until they can be more coherently produced.
Meeting Oma at the hospital! |
Tia Julie and her newest niece... |
"Umm... what is this?" |
Our precious "Bettina" |
Helping Daddy with a project. A 124 year-old house means he'll get lots of opportunities to learn! |
Playing in the toolbox Daddy made when he was little. |
Little "Chicka-Bee" meeting Opa |
Of course, a visit from Uncle Teej guaranteed that Grantlet wouldn't be neglected. |
This was not staged. They both clearly enjoy napping. |
Fighting for his title of "the cool uncle." |
Imbibing the Grantopatomus with a love of hats. |
Wee Bets and "cool Uncle Teej." |
Whirling across the floor in a diaper box... Opa is so COOL! |
Like we said... Opa is so cool. Mad grandparenting skills. |
Meeting Grandma Marcia! (Baby is our own Little Miss Bug-Eyes!) |
Meeting Grandpa Keith! |
Exploring the most amazing bubble machine of all time. |
Loving our Moby wrap... Baby heaven, Mommy multi-tasking. |
Cuddles with Daddy-o. |
Milk-drunk baby... Our daughter is quite the ham. |
Learning to use a fork! (Although, we prefer to use it as a baton, as opposed to an eating utensil.) |
In case anyone was worried... The Grantopatomus didn't suffer from a lack of attention. |
Daddy/daughter nap time. |
Stay tuned for our next post: Newborn pics of "Bettina," "Wee Bets," "Chicka-Bee," "Betsy-Boo-Boo."
It's a miracle my children ever learn their given names...
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