Time is whipping by me, and I can hardly catch my breath. Yesterday my little tiny, 4 lb. 10 oz. baby turned 2! He long ago graduated into the world of "toddler" and he has careened his way through year two with the stereotypical curiosity and intensity that is attributed to little walkers.
Baby Grant {December 2012} |
But my dear son is already developing an unflappable calm and a gentle willingness to cuddle with whoever needs a little love and down-time. (It may be the most unrestful cuddle you've ever had, but nonetheless, he's offering it.)
We love you, precious son. Every day, you are a gift. Every day, you are our precious Grant. We don't deserve the privilege of being your parents, but we are so incredibly glad that God has entrusted you to us for this short time. We pray fervently that your love for your Creator would develop early, and your passion for his glory would consume your life.
Character {at age 2}
Grant is my gentle warrior. He is fearless with those he loves, and he is very faithful in helping those who are weaker than he is. He is now the oldest baby in our little church nursery, and he's taken this charge quite seriously. Whether it's procuring toys for little ones, or worrying that they might be sick throughout the week, he is very careful to help the "babies."His favorite baby is his little sister, who he affectionately refers to as "Betsy Boo-Boo" or "Baby." How he has won her affection, I'll never know. Too often his "love" is exhibited by near suffocation (because Baby needs a blanket, or someone to sit on her head), and terrible wrestling accidents (only Bets would think it was hilarious to be dragged around by her diaper).
Grant continues to be very obedient, and although this second year brought more temptation and teaching opportunities than the previous year did, he is a very quick study. His occasional bouts with defiance are quite intense, but we are very thankful for these intermittent displays of stubbornness. They prove that our gentle follower can dig in his heals. Now, we just need mountains of wisdom to teach him when he should use that skill!
Perhaps every mother dreams of this, but I see an artist in my little man. He loves detail work, and is very attentive to slight errors or mistakes. He loves to paint, color, and produce "music" on the piano. Mechanically minded, he's forever flipping toys over and taking them apart rather than playing with them.
Milestones {at age 2}
Grant has done a lot in his second year. He learned to walk, to run, and to perfect his "hippity-hop" dance move. He holds his pens/pencils/markers almost correctly. He went from a collection of two words ("ball," and "shoe") to a plethora of words and phrases. Animal names (croccodiles are the current favorite) and transportation vehicles are the clear front-runners. However, a recent slew of action words (cook, dance, eat, need, etc.) have been cropping up.We have finally conquered his debilitating fear of thresholds, sidewalk cracks, and curbs. It took several months. No. I am not kidding. My dear, careful little boy would get down on his hands and knees and crawl over any obstacle in his way. I must credit a large portion of success in this area to the neighborhood jungle-gym. After climbing up a slide the wrong way, door jams just don't seem as terrifying.
Grant has learned how to be a helper this year. He follows very complex commands without repetition or clarification ("Grant, get your foot out of the green bowl and go put it in the drawer it belongs in.") He delights in putting away laundry (although this wreaks havoc on any folding that may have previously been done.) He loves doing "sink dishes" and "cooking."
Favorites {at age 2}
This boy loves animals. Every animal. Big. Small. Scary. Loud. Fluffy. Scaly. Slimy. I never wanted to be that mom with a small menagerie in her kitchen. I now realize that I won't have much of a choice. This boy loves animals. I draw the line at birds, but every other kind of creature will probably be "rescued" by this budding zoologist.
A recent and growing fascination of Grant's has been with reading. He adores reading. His mother and father (two inveterate bookworms) are thrilled. We could do it for hours every day. He pulls out a favorite, backs his little caboose into your lap, and demands unceremoniously, "Read ______!" Book after book. Right now, his favorite is "Cinderella." Yup. No joke. And no, I didn't push it. He just landed on it and loves it.
He would watch "Mater" and "Pooh" for hours each day (if his mother wasn't such a cold-hearted creature). On our road trips he also enjoys "Cinderelly" and "Mary Poppins." (Although, Poppins is generally what induces a nap...)
His favorite color is blue. (But I have a sneaking suspicion that this is because "blue" is the only color he knows.) Regardless, his birthday was full of blue cupcakes with blue sprinkles.
He requested "french fries" for a birthday breakfast and "cheese" for dinner.
We were happy to oblige.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Grant Alexander! We love your busy little soul with our whole hearts. The gift of you is a delightful, daily treasure.
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