We went home to Michigan for Thanksgiving! We drove out on Thanksgiving. Spent Friday and Saturday with family and blitzed back in over a Sunday. It was a whirlwind, love-packed trip and we all enjoyed it.
Yes. I realize it's nearing the end of January and I'm just now posting Thanksgiving pics. If you would like to come organize my linen closet and feed my children, I'll make sure the next batch gets posted more quickly.
Grandma cuddles are the bestest. |
The highway out front is going through construction, so it was a perfect place to yell "BIG TRUCK!" |
Grandma's vintage toy collection is impressive and super fun. |
Betsy-boo is playing with a toy that I used to have in my crib. How my mother-in-law hangs onto these things is truly amazing. |
Rough housing with Grandpa! |
Whisker tickles on the feet! |
My careful, contented girlie, playing with her very pretty grandma. |
I just love this bundle of preciousness. |
We met cousin Evie! Evie is 2 months younger than Bets and could probably eat her second cousin (twice removed?) for breakfast. |
Grandma and Grandpa have a big yard that we love to explore. |
Swing smiles! |
I love this little man with every thump of my heart. |
I got teary when I saw this picture... was my baby seriously eating bottles not this long ago? When did she grow up!?! |
Checking out the Black Friday deals with Grandpa. |
Happy girlie! (Seriously. So happy. Almost always. Without fail.) |
Cuddles with Aunt Sarah-Bear! |
I married this man. |
Birds of a feather... |
Uncle Josh was quite a hit. |
Learning to play Uno. (Or enjoying scattering cards... definitely more likely.) |
They just lined up like this, so I had to get a highly awkward, 1980s-ish family pic. |
Isn't she just lovely! |
Selfies with Sarah! (Critical nephew/aunt bonding) |
Grant discovered one of Aunt Sarah's old beanie babies... a rodent. Mommy then **ahem** had a little bit of fun with The Rodent. |
The Rodent checks the bird. |
The Rodent mashes some potatoes. |
The Rodent caffeinates. Thanksgiving prep is grueling. |
The Rodent butters. Because Paula Dean recommends it. |
The Rodent makes some green bean casserole. |
The Rodent bastes. (Okay, I'll stop now.) |
Acrobatics with Uncle Josh. |
An hors d'oeuvres of Catch Phrase. I love the faces in this candid shot! |
Because nothing causes more glee than adolescent photos. (I've hidden mine, but Scott's are hung where all can see!) |
The bird. Butter-crisped, of course. |
Updside-down with Grandpa! |
The whole fam eating dinner together. (Please note the amazing bear prints across the wall. My mama-in-love found an AMAZING stencil!) |
No child should be this skeptical of turkey. (Now, if he's skeptical of stuffing, I'll allow it...) |
I love people. Around a table. Eating. Makes me happy. |
I love this clan. I'm so glad that the Allison/Johnson clan has welcomed me! Happy Thanksgiving 2014! |
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