During the month of February, Scott and I returned to Lafayette Indiana for the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference.
Go to this.
No. Seriously.
It trumps a week on the Florida beaches and it will change your life.
I mean, who doesn't want to hang out in Lafayette, Indiana in the dead of winter?
While we were there, I mooched off of my sister's amazing talent, and we had family pictures taken for the first time in 14 months. If Bets ever complains to you that she's not in the family pictures that are currently hanging around our home, please inform her that she
was in those pictures. She was just in my uterus and hadn't made her formal debut into the world. BUT SHE IS IN THE PICTURES.
Okay. Kind of.
I got super-excited because of my radically inventive suggestion of taking the kiddies back to some of the sites where Scott and I had our engagement photos snapped almost exactly four years earlier. (My sister had already thought this. And she also had already come up with some additional cute ideas... so... Basically anything creative in the following shots is because of her amazing genius.)
All that to say, she's incredible. (Seriously:
Last time we stood there, we weren't "allowed" to kiss. We made up for that on this day! |
I'm fairly confident we will always spend hours in bookstores as a family. We may be single-handedly keeping B&N afloat. |
Mr. Grant loves running the aisles. |
And Princess Bets is selecting her first journal. |
These are the greatest children's books EVER. Hilariously simplified classics as board books. Here we are enjoying "Huckleberry Finn" while Bets lobbies for "Pride and Prejudice." hashtag: raisingthemright. |
Precious. |
So, Bets was a pickle this entire shoot. She had just come off a twelve hour car ride the day before, and was working her way into a stomach bug. But you would never know all that from these pictures. Seriously, my sister is amazing. Have I said that yet? |
I can't believe this is my life. Delightful happiness! |
Lil' ham. Loves the camera. |
Bets' face. :) |
My handsome men! |
Exploring hot cocoa! |
I don't know... it's like they're used to seeing their parents make out. ;) |
Chuggin' the hot cocoa. |
Like a man. |
Which cracks Daddy up. |
Thank you, Er! The Allisons 2015 Bets {12 months}, Grant {26 months} |
delightful, girls ... I am blessed by your love for one another