Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why I Should Go To Bed At 9:00

It's only 10:28. In my wild hey-day of youth, the party would have just been starting, the event would have just been planned... hey, four months ago (even on a work night) I probably wouldn't be thinking of bed for at least another hour.

And I married a non-night owl (i.e. an early bird).

I love mornings. The coolness, the crisp new air. The world is fresh. "A new day with no mistakes in it yet..."

But I'm not a morning person.

So, that's why I'm sitting on my back porch, crickets sawing around me, while my dear, sweet honey bun starts another REM cycle.

Unfortunately, at night, I start thinking. And thinking at night is not a good thing.

I lie there and thoughts start whirling through my head... "Did I close the freezer door tightly enough? The electric bill was really high this month. I wonder if that was because of the freezer door. Bills.... are we ever going to escape bills? I wonder how much longer I'll work my current job. Will I have to work forever? Will I ever get to just be a mom? What if I have a baby sometime in the next two years? We can't do that. Scott's in seminary. I'd have to go back to work. I'll have to drop my baby off at a baby daycare. I didn't plan on that. I didn't plan on a lot of things. I didn't plan on marrying the most amazing man in the world... who doesn't know where God wants him. What will he decide to do? Where wil we be? What if I don't like it?"


It's very bad to think at night. All of a sudden I'm a working mom with triplets and a husband who is killing himself in a dry patch of ministry. It all happened in less than 1 minute.

I have to mentally turn myself around.

"No good thing does he withhold 
   from those whose walk is blameless."

"In perfect faithfulness 
   you have done wonderful things,    
things planned long ago."*

We don't know where we will wind up for ministry.

"Wonderful things.... no good thing withheld."

I have a baby and have to go back to work. I wasn't planning on that.

"Wonderful things.... no good thing withheld."

Ministry is exhausting and no fruit is ever seen.

"Wonderful things.... no good thing withheld."

Groceries, electric, water, sewer, home owner fees...

"Wonderful things.... no good thing withheld."

The freezer door is left open and my yummy lemon sorbet melts to a gooey puddle.

"Wonderful things.... no good thing withheld."

It's true. Even in the dark of night with a whirling mind. The Lord has planned wonderful things. He brings such good and lavishes it so freely in my life. Why should I doubt it now?

My God is good.

Amazing husband. Wonderful family. Thriving church home. Fulfilling job. Delightful friends. Beautiful house. A large closet. Pretty high heeled shoes. My expanded book library (came with the hubby!). Free country. Blessings upon blessings upon blessings upon blessings....

* Psalm 84 and Isaiah 25