Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weeping Responsibility

This morning I wept as I looked at the election results.

I did not weep for national debt. I did not weep for governmental health care. I did not weep for the degradation of our military strength.

I wept for the babies.

Since abortion was legalized in the United States, 55.6 million babies have been killed.

That means today, as I am writing this, 1, 086 babies have already died. Today. Just today.

I was hoping, all last night, as I peered anxiously at my Google election tracker (the downside of no television), that there would be a Republican house, a Republican Senate, and a Republican president. Then maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance for the babies... Just maybe...

But when I heard, yet again, that a party which believes women should choose who is allowed to live and who is allowed to die, my heart curled up into a hard, tight ball, and I cried.

I am living amidst genocide. And I am standing still, doing nothing. I am waiting for a political party, a president, or a judge to change the current status. After all, my hope was resting in a man who was only pseudo-pro-life (yes, Mitt Romney).

I feel like a German in 1940.

“When all this is over, people will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make him bear the sins of the world. But it's not true. You suspected what was happening, and so did I. It was already too late over a year ago. I caused a reporter to lose his job because you told me to. He was deported. The day I did that I made my little contribution to civilization, the only one that matters.” 
(The Dream of Scipio, Iain Pear) 

 I am watching mass murder. And I am hoping that my vote (in a state that was going to be Republican anyway) would be enough. How foolish.

I was convicted while reading this story about my lack of love and support to these women facing this decision. I have been appalled at the numbers (there have now been 1,130 abortions on today's date), but I have been motionless. I have watched the death and suffering, and I have said nothing. I have held no hands. I haven't wept with grieving women, or pleaded for a child's life. In my self-righteous laziness, I have never moved beyond "appalled" into action.

May God forgive me.

1,197 babies and mommies... and counting...


  1. My heart weeps with you sweet friend :( My eyes have been opened completely since finding out we were pregnant. After feeling the kicks of the little one growing inside me, I don't know how someone could think it's not a little life growing inside. I will join you in prayer for those considering abortion! I love you sister!!!

  2. Wow, wonderfully said. I stand convicted. I, too, hoped my vote would be enough. Here's to the end of any self-righteousness, it's time to get down and real. Thank you.

  3. While I do think that politicians can greatly minimize the number of abortions in our nation by passing laws to make it illegal, unless the hearts of people are changed, they will still happen (legal or not). This tragedy, in my mind, is so similar to human trafficking, in that the abuse of the women and children will continue until the Gospel comes in and changes hearts, transforming lives. Remember that we, in our interactions with non-believers, can change the course of the future THROUGH the message of the gospel. Love, forgiveness, compassion, trust in One who can carry us through anything and provide in any situation--these are themes that can change hearts and save lives. Let's make sure we're doing our part as the church to reach non-believers with this message and offer our time and resources sacrificially to help women who need a partner in parenting.
