Thursday, December 11, 2014

Grant Alexander {Happy 2nd Birthday!}

Other mothers warned me that this would happen.

Time is whipping by me, and I can hardly catch my breath. Yesterday my little tiny, 4 lb. 10 oz. baby turned 2! He long ago graduated into the world of "toddler" and he has careened his way through year two with the stereotypical curiosity and intensity that is attributed to little walkers.

Baby Grant
{December 2012}
Grant's life hasn't been predictable to date. In his first year, he was adopted, and then moved across the country. We decided to spice up year two by adding a baby sister and plenty of health problems for Mama.

But my dear son is already developing an unflappable calm and a gentle willingness to cuddle with whoever needs a little love and down-time. (It may be the most unrestful cuddle you've ever had, but nonetheless, he's offering it.)

We love you, precious son. Every day, you are a gift. Every day, you are our precious Grant. We don't deserve the privilege of being your parents, but we are so incredibly glad that God has entrusted you to us for this short time. We pray fervently that your love for your Creator would develop early, and your passion for his glory would consume your life.

Character {at age 2}

Grant is my gentle warrior. He is fearless with those he loves, and he is very faithful in helping those who are weaker than he is. He is now the oldest baby in our little church nursery, and he's taken this charge quite seriously. Whether it's procuring toys for little ones, or worrying that they might be sick throughout the week, he is very careful to help the "babies."

His favorite baby is his little sister, who he affectionately refers to as "Betsy Boo-Boo" or "Baby." How he has won her affection, I'll never know. Too often his "love" is exhibited by near suffocation (because Baby needs a blanket, or someone to sit on her head), and terrible wrestling accidents (only Bets would think it was hilarious to be dragged around by her diaper).

Grant continues to be very obedient, and although this second year brought more temptation and teaching opportunities than the previous year did, he is a very quick study. His occasional bouts with defiance are quite intense, but we are very thankful for these intermittent displays of stubbornness. They prove that our gentle follower can dig in his heals. Now, we just need mountains of wisdom to teach him when he should use that skill!

Perhaps every mother dreams of this, but I see an artist in my little man. He loves detail work, and is very attentive to slight errors or mistakes. He loves to paint, color, and produce "music" on the piano. Mechanically minded, he's forever flipping toys over and taking them apart rather than playing with them.

Milestones {at age 2}

Grant has done a lot in his second year. He learned to walk, to run, and to perfect his "hippity-hop" dance move. He holds his pens/pencils/markers almost correctly. He went from a collection of two words ("ball," and "shoe") to a plethora of words and phrases. Animal names (croccodiles are the current favorite) and transportation vehicles are the clear front-runners. However, a recent slew of action words (cook, dance, eat, need, etc.) have been cropping up.

We have finally conquered his debilitating fear of thresholds, sidewalk cracks, and curbs. It took several months. No. I am not kidding. My dear, careful little boy would get down on his hands and knees and crawl over any obstacle in his way. I must credit a large portion of success in this area to the neighborhood jungle-gym. After climbing up a slide the wrong way, door jams just don't seem as terrifying.

Grant has learned how to be a helper this year. He follows very complex commands without repetition or clarification ("Grant, get your foot out of the green bowl and go put it in the drawer it belongs in.") He delights in putting away laundry (although this wreaks havoc on any folding that may have previously been done.) He loves doing "sink dishes" and "cooking."

Favorites {at age 2}

This boy loves animals. Every animal. Big. Small. Scary. Loud. Fluffy. Scaly. Slimy. I never wanted to be that mom with a small menagerie in her kitchen. I now realize that I won't have much of a choice. This boy loves animals. I draw the line at birds, but every other kind of creature will probably be "rescued" by this budding zoologist.

Grant loves his family. He regularly asks about family members in the Midwest, and he loves to get videos from "Tia." Having matching shoes with "Unka Teej" was probably the highlight of his summer. He adores FaceTime, videos, and pictures of family. Grant loves wrestling with his grandpas and his demands that every uncle-in-law play "horsey" must constantly be monitored. He idolizes his sister. He talks about where his daddy is all day every day. He is my quiet people person. He loves a crowd, he loves laughter and conversation. And while he may not be in the spotlight, he loves soaking up all the fellowship.

A recent and growing fascination of Grant's has been with reading. He adores reading.  His mother and father (two inveterate bookworms) are thrilled. We could do it for hours every day. He pulls out a favorite, backs his little caboose into your lap, and demands unceremoniously, "Read ______!" Book after book. Right now, his favorite is "Cinderella." Yup. No joke. And no, I didn't push it. He just landed on it and loves it.

He would watch "Mater" and "Pooh" for hours each day (if his mother wasn't such a cold-hearted creature). On our road trips he also enjoys "Cinderelly" and "Mary Poppins." (Although, Poppins is generally what induces a nap...)

His favorite color is blue. (But I have a sneaking suspicion that this is because "blue" is the only color he knows.) Regardless, his birthday was full of blue cupcakes with blue sprinkles.

He requested "french fries" for a birthday breakfast and "cheese" for dinner.

We were happy to oblige.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Grant Alexander! We love your busy little soul with our whole hearts. The gift of you is a delightful, daily treasure.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Photo Journal {October 2014}

October. Glorious October.

It was Anne of the famous Green Gables who stated, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." And I heartily second this affirmation. If I could go back and choose my birthday, I would plant it smack-dab in October. On the 27th. (Because it's a number that's divisible by 3. Don't ask. I have problems.)

This October was a veritable whirlwind. Scott's lovely sister got married, we attended a Harvest conference in Chicago, and I managed to crash both a Blake reunion (my dad's side of the family), and a Spencer reunion (mom's side).

Of course, in the process of crashing all these events, I packed my camera.

And then conveniently left it in the bag, on a counter, at my in-laws for almost the entirety of the trip.

So, please suffer through these few phone photos if you so choose.

And I promise, for November, I actually whipped out my Nikon.

Someone loves "real" food. I made some teething cookies. So unbelievably slimy...

I decided to stay super-blonde. And super-short. I wish it always looked this good. Usually, I look like some washed-up Walmart person.

She's precious.

Soaking up as much sunshine as possible!

You may need a magnifying glass to see it, but Bets is sporting a lovely lil' ponytail!

Giving the bride a smooch!

Bets is cheesin'. Auntie is gorgeous. It's all good.

The Allison Fam!
{October 11th, 2014}

Cuddles with Oma.

Papa Blake knows all the fun horseplay.

We even got a brief play time with cousin Phoebe!

Whenever it rains, we must play in the puddles!

The glee of suburbia street puddles!

Oma and Papa had a pumpkin patch! How apropos for an October visit.

Someone loves Papa!

We went on a family bike ride! And I'm fairly confident that my father is never going to get on a tandem with me again.

At the Blake reunion with Uncle Greggors.

Soooo pretty... 

The reunion took place in the gym from the movie "Hoosiers." Here the Blakes are, recreating that formidable team. 

Senior pic. (I did not pose him. Promise.)

Harvest University group! First time away from my babies... 3 whole days. Amazing conference. Brutal being away from the little chickens. :)

Doing the jumpy-jump!

She's probably going to resent me... But it's just so much fun to put things on her head.

Oma with her two wigglies.

Bets tried the trampoline, too.

Not so sure...

Spring Mills State Park... Gigi with Tia and Baby Bets.

The Spencer clan! Celebrating Thanksgiving in October. This family is always early to everything.

Playing at the park with Uncle Greggors.


This boy LOVES the outdoors.

Hiking with Auntie!

Yes, that's my son. Barefoot. Pant-less. In a creek.

Real men wear babies. 
Sitting in the family highchair that babies have sat in since the early 1900s.

In the spirit of honesty, this is how most pictures with my children turn out...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Photo Journal {August-September 2014}

Um, did anyone else catch onto the fact that it's November?

Yeah, I kind of just realized this yesterday.

As I realized that the last time I had posted photos had been sometime in September. And those photos were for July.


So, here are August and September. All rolled into one. Please humor me as I furiously try to catch up before we run into Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We took Grant to a little petting zoo nearby. He was admittedly not initially thrilled with the idea.
But then he warmed up so decidedly, that we decided that we needed to take Grandma and Grandpa Allison here next time they came!

Grandpa (and Grandma!) visited in August. Grant fed the goats for the first time. He now looks for the goats every time we go to any park anywhere. Note to all park directors: add goats to increase your toddler boy foot traffic.

While Grant is fascinated by animals, you can see that Bets is less than enamored.

Grandparents and their progeny near the "moo cows."

Anything that rocks violently back and forth is Grant's favorite. My usually cautious son flings himself into this past time with reckless abandon.

Please. No more paparazzi.

Mama and son. Such a wonderful mother for such a wonderful man.

Permit me one attempted artsy shot of Independence Hall. We have visited it multiple times since moving here. So... if you want to come visit, I can pretty much recite the tour guide's spiel from memory.

Blue-eyed charmer

I just love my mama-in-love. This woman has taught me so much through her tireless, bountiful generosity.

My dear sweet honey-love. My forever-sweetheart.

My children have clearly not grasped the concept of, "Smile!"

Grandpa and his girlie. Wee Bets loves her Grandpa soooo much!

Then, in September, the Blake grandparents, Oma and Grandpa, came to visit! (Not forgetting Tia, of course!)

Staving off baby fussies with Grandpa!

Someone loves Oma.

Whoo! Can you scream when upside down, Bets? (Turns out, she can't.)

Daddy and his last baby.

I still cannot get over the fact that this is my back yard...

Tia and her "Granty" taking in the sights downtown.

Cute for 33 years and going strong.

Bets and I skipped the final tour and hung out on some very historic steps in the legislative building near Independence Hall.

Someone was thrilled that she didn't have to look at the original senate floor.

Some of our family favorites are picnics and play time at the park.

Super-Dad! Able to feed a Bets any where at any time.

Bets' first time in a swing was much more enthusiastic than her brother's first time.

Once again... happiness is found when rocking tempestuously.

It's a bird, it's a plane!

"Bets! Let's take a Mommy/daughter selfie while the boys play catch!"

"Okay, never mind. We'll play it cool."

We made a fluffy mess! (I have no idea what to call this stuff, but it was pure sensory heaven. Just shaving cream and cornstarch. Amazing.)

It kind of got everywhere... 
Messy heaven.

You wouldn't know it, but it's not supposed to be eaten and it must taste vile.

Happy autumn from the Allisons!