Motherhood is working me over.
I'm in a love-hate relationship with my current path of sanctification. I love that it involves cuddles and baby kisses. I hate that I haven't finished a chore uninterrupted in
My wise mother used to say, "Motherhood makes you work on patience like nothing else will."
I, in my complacent self-satisfaction, always thought, "I spend all day, every day, working with special needs children and grumpy old men on ventilators. I'm fairly confident that motherhood isn't going to be a stretch in the patience department."
But what my mama was
really saying was, "Find your weakest area. See that? There? Okay... that's where motherhood is going to camp out, jump up and down, and stretch you until you're unable to do it on your own."
So, sure. Patience. Not necessarily a weakness (although even "strengths" break down occasionally in intensive parenting!).
Self-discipline? Perseverance?
Ah.... there's my soft spot.
Try being persistent when
there is no fruit.
Yesterday, I tried to clean. In the entirety of my day, I painted one door, two pieces of trim, and put a load of laundry in the washing machine.
that. is. all.
How hard is it to remain disciplined and to persevere when there is no benefit? No blessing? No check mark on your to-do list? Pretty dang hard. (Pardon my Christian expletive...)
But just when I wonder if I'm growing, my son shouts, "I love you!" from across the room, Bitty Bets learns how to eat a banana (and only up-chucks once!), and I'm reminded that of all the "refining fires" I've been in, this is the best. The hardest? Yes. But the best.
So, I haven't written a scrap in months, but I'm learning bucket-loads. Two months late... here is our July in pictures. Someday I'll create again. Until then, I'm so thankful that God never stops "creating" in me!
For now... I need to go vacuum up the remains of breakfast, probably with an infant strapped to me, and a toddler "helping" with the vacuum.
TIA AND OMA CAME TO VISIT! And clearly, Bets has joined the "Tia Fan Club." |
This child. She cracks me up. |
I feel that we haven't had a "Bets' Faces" montage in a while.
Hopefully this series will rectify that. |
Whatevs, Mom. |
Ha! Isn't it silly when I act all laid-back and cool!? |
I'm fairly sure that this little boy would follow "Tia" off
the ends of the earth. |
Baby sis. Growing too fast. But still loving a good swimsuit-rainstorm-splash session. |
We all packed up to go see Daddy on his missions trip in inner-city Philly!
Bets is ecstatic. Please, child. Contain yourself. |
Thrilled to see Daddy. Clearly. |
Grant's first "water ice." Midwesterners, can't really explain what this is. It's like
a glorified snow-cone. Be sure to ask for a "wuttterrr ice" when you come to see us.
(You are coming to see us, aren't you!?) |
Jubes. Getting face painting on her hand. I was very disappointed
that she didn't get the tiger painted on her face. I was disappointed
that I didn't get a tiger on my face. Something about it being just for
kids... **sigh** |
Two missions trip sponsors! |
First bite of cotton candy. He's skeptical. |
And now he's diving right in. |
Julie had never had cotton candy either!
She was not a fan.
I'm not sure what's wrong with her... |
There were lots of people around. Grant, as usual, was contemplative. Never
have I used a word so often to describe a child. But that's my son. |
Hanging with Oma. Amidst the multi-ethnic crowd. It was an amazing afternoon! |
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) paired with several local churches
to host a massive "block party" in inner-city Philly. The place was packed. |
The gospel stage. People clustered here throughout that day.
The gospel was shared in at least four languages. |
Everything was free. Free food, free bounce houses, free games, free puppet shows, free prizes,
free-free-free! And if you went through the gospel tents, you got a free t-shirt! |
I couldn't get over the number of different ethnicities I saw. Burmese, Chinese, Hispanic... |
There was so much joy, and life, and energy in this little square of Philly. My heart
nearly exploded for joy... So many people experiencing unconditional love. |
Splash pad. |
Little old man, in broken English, asking about Julie's China story. |
Manning the basketball stations. |
There were tons of carnival games that the kids could do to earn tickets. |
Our teens helped staffed these games. |
So thankful that my mama and sister came to help out while Scott was gone for about
a week and a half. I was dead-dog sick almost the entire time. It's like God
knew I would need them. I love when He provides like that... :) |
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