Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Fear, My Friends

Today I woke up from a nap (a Sunday nap, mind you, this qualifies as heaven in the napping world, I should awake beautifully content and rested, but instead...), I was anxious. Low-grade dread hung over my head, and I struggled to wake up and identify what it was.

Do you know what I'm talking about? A low-grade, nebulous, unidentifiable fear?

I had it.

I've actually had it a lot since becoming a stay-at-home mom. All the silence and free time opens me up to worry. Where my mind could be using this time for creativity and joy, it instead chooses to dwell on future (imaginary) trauma, horrible fear, and a low-grade sense of impending doom.

Here's a sample: as I'm waving good-bye to my hubby.... what if this is the last time I see him?... What if I'm left to raise these children alone?... What if I have to sell this house?... What if I have to move back to Indiana and find a job?... What will my children turn out like?... Will anyone ever love me again?... OH, MY WORD, I'M A SINGLE MOM OF TWO SMALL CHILDREN, LIVING IN MY PARENTS' BASEMENT, BARELY SCRAPING BY ON A PITTANCE OF A SALARY, WITH CHILDREN THAT WILL GROW UP TO OPENLY RESENT ME AND RUN AWAY FROM GOD WHILE I DIE ALONE AND UNLOVED.

Yeah. All this happens in my head while I'm waving goodbye. I single-handedly widdow, impoverish, and strip myself of all hope and joy in the short 60 seconds it takes my husband to drive out of view.

Basically, when I'm going through suffering, I'm freaked out, and when I'm brought to a place of relative rest and ease, I'm freaked out.

I'm constantly doubting my God, doubting his good gifts, and doubting my joy and security.

Over the past year, God has given me wonderful triumph in this area. I no longer have to consciously slow my breathing and repeat, "My God is good" as my husband drives away each morning.

But on some days, like today, there's a nebulous fear that is incredibly difficult to shake. Today it stemmed from a harmless comment and a fear about what someone was thinking of me. I did not know what they were thinking, but I guessed. I felt. I panicked.

And that's when I was so thankful for the people that God has placed in my life.

I am thankful for my mama. She planted the idea of daily dwelling on a different attribute of God and a corresponding verse.

I am thankful for a dear friend who is doing the verse activity along with me, and whose transparency in her own walk is encouraging to my soul.

I am thankful for a God who has so many amazing attributes that I couldn't narrow down my choice for today.

I'm thankful for the generous people that He has placed in my life. People who pray, give amazingly generous gifts, and who walk through terror and truth with me.

I'm thankful for these ladies...

The lovelies at my bachelorette party!
Whose hubbies walked through seminary with mine. These beautiful women who shared our time of preparation in humility and honesty. Ladies who welcomed me into the "Seminary Wives Club" with open arms and gentleness.

And who, twelve kids, two years, and 3 churches later, can still come together and talk honestly, encourage with truth, and laugh and cry. I'm so thankful for these iron-sharpening-iron friendships. These ladies don't lie or sugar-coat. Their transparency is never unduly raw or without purpose. Every single on of them shares struggles and triumphs through a lens of grace.

The mommies, wives, and friends. (Minus Tori!)
And so today, as I fought of irrational fear, I took up truth. And I was able to pick it up, in a large part, because of these encouragers that God has placed in my life. Let us never get distracted by things of earth and forget the One who created all the things. And may our friendships never sink to mindless sharing of little nothings. Because when we are honest and humble, we not only praise our Creator, but we encourage His daughters.

For this I am truly thankful.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 
{Ecclesiastes 4:9,10}


  1. Oops. This is Micaela, btw. Not nick

  2. Love this. Love you. So thankful we can cling to Christ together. Tears
