Saturday, March 17, 2012

Personalities, Literature, and Ice Cream

Me: Scott, you're like a Victorian novel. An incredibly excellent vocabulary so that I don't get bored, and a predictable plot line so I'm never scared.

Scott: Hey!

Me: It's true.

Scott: Okay, but you're also a little Victorian. No, I take that back, you're more like a Zane Grey novel.

Me: Ah, more of a 1920s or '30s style.

Scott: Yes, you have incredibly long, detailed descriptions of flora and fauna--

Me: Ugh. I always skip those parts.

Scott: Yes, but then you suddenly jump on a horse and go galloping off to save the world.

Me: Ah. Long periods of boring to provide rest after the crazy excitement.

Scott: Exactly.

When you marry a literature geek, and you're both running out of topics to discuss... Plus, how in-depth are you going to get, sitting on a curb, licking the first ice cream cone of the year?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Those aren't my legs in that picture...

    Of course, those aren't YOUR legs, either. :)
